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Rose is a girl who matches the definition of her name. She is a beautiful and bright girl that will never allow herself to go unnoticed by those around her. As 2013 was ending this two-year old had enjoyed a holiday full of family and fun and was getting ready for a new baby brother to arrive. A few days after Christmas or entire family got sick with the flu, it must have a virus unknowingly shared along with the gifts and holiday meal. Rose had been off her sleep schedule, which we thought was the reason for her being fatigued and pale during the holiday festivities. She had also recent started having bad nose bleeds, which we believed was caused by the change of season and dry winter weather. She also caught the flu. One day Rose got very sick, very quickly. She was overwhelmed by the flu virus because her fatigue, pale complexion, and nose bleeds were actually caused by leukemia. That day, Jan 2, 2014, she went into shock and almost lost her battle before she even had a chance to start fighting. Today, one year later Rose is doing well. She has shown what a person can do with a strong will and by refusing to give up. She’s still her bright self, trying to get along with her baby brother and loving her family with a fierce intensity. She can be found making up songs and singing all the time. She also loves her toy puppies, and has dozens that she takes very good care of. She has completed the most intense months of chemotherapy in September 2014. Rose will continue maintenance chemotherapy treatment through the spring of 2016. Rose’s tent arrived during the toughest month of chemo. It was perfect timing. Rose’s tent immediately became a special place for just her, somewhere to play, have her own space, away from the rest of everything, and her baby brother. Rose moved her favorite toys into her tent, and would often have movies playing on her iPad for just her and the puppies invited to join her. No one, and no toy, could go in that tent without an invitation or permission. It gave Rose a place where she really was in control, everything and everyone in that tent were there because Rose wanted them there…a completely different kind of place than her reality of chemos, medicines, procedures, therapy and doctor’s offices.

Emily, Rose’s mom

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