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Amen for 10!!

I can't believe that I am a few months late on making such an important post about Isaac's journey, but while I am here, I can add a few other cool things that have been happening at the COfC home-front!

On June 22, we celebrated 10 years since Isaac's brain cancer diagnosis. This date has always been one that we have celebrated rather than dreaded. We choose to look at it through the lens of 10 more years that we have been able to watch Isaac grow and evolve. We celebrate all the experiences and milestones that he has been able to be a part of. For years, we would visit all of his doctors and nurses that have helped get him this far and give them a small token of our thanks. It was actually on the second anniversary of his diagnosis where our COfC journey began, when we hand-delivered our very first Camp Out from Cancer care packages to Advocate Lutheran Children's Hospital in Park Ridge, IL where Isaac received his treatment.

So, here he is ten years later. We celebrated the day with family and friends, old and new, and with an ice cream truck, too!!

The past few months have also been filled with other fabulous moments. Isaac turned 16 in July, and although he does not have his driver's license yet, we feel that this is a hurdle that he will overcome that many with the same diagnosis unfortunately can never tackle. He will be eligible for his license in the middle of October (thanks to me not knowing the 9-month permit rule and the DMV being shutdown due to Covid). Send some prayers, good vibes, and "all the things" his way!

Isaac was also able to attend Camp One Step for a few days this summer. This is a camp for children who have been diagnosed with cancer. He usually spends two weeks with other kids who have walked the same path as him. These other kids truly understand the day-to-day challenges of cancer treatment and all the emotions that come along with it. I feel that it is the one place that he feels that he can be himself and find acceptance.

Finally, Isaac is back at school full-time. Last year, the kids were home remote 100% until the end of January. He was then able to attend for two, shortened days a week and then ended the year with four, shortened days. It is crazy to think that he is already a junior. Who knows what the next few years will hold for him, but I pray about this daily.

Thank you to all who have followed along and cheered us on throughout the past 10 years. I can't help but have my mind sometimes wander to the "what if's?" and the "why Isaac?", but for the most part we stay focused on the road ahead and thank the heavens for all that we have been blessed with.

Reminder - September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Wear gold, change your front lights to yellow, add a frame to your profile picture on FB to show support to all the young warriors, make a donation to St. Baldrick's to help raise funds for better treatment for children going through treatment. Help be their voice!

Love to all,


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