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Care Packages Here, There, and EVERYWHERE!!!

It has been a VERY busy few weeks here at COfC Headquarters a.k.a. our home office! In the past five weeks, we have received over 100 care package requests. This is well above and beyond what we are used to packing up. Usually we will designate one weekend each month to pack care packages which tend to add up to anywhere between 10-15...for the MONTH!!

We are happy to share our Camp Out care packages, but so wish there weren't so many kiddos that needed them and we know that this is just the smallest fraction of warriors that are out there.

At this point, we are trying to stay a few steps ahead with our inventory, but our inventory and our funding are starting to dwindle quickly. We have had friends scouting Target stores for tents and many driving all around the Chicagoland area hunting for s'mores goldfish! Amanda is busy making us more Pocket Hearts. 99 more sibling gift cards arrive by mail tomorrow. Orders needing to be placed for lanterns, boxes, socks, and even our brand-new Ike's are on the horizon. What we had planned and budgeted for in 2021 is already half in the hands of deserving childhood cancer kids.

If you have the means and would like to help us continue to carry out mission at this higher speed and volume than what we have ever experienced before, please click on the "DONATE" button on our homepage. Every little bit helps!

Love, April, Pat, Isaac, Ivy, and Eli

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