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Grateful for Giving Hearts

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

On Tuesday, December 1st, we held our Annual Giving Tuesday Tent Drive. I will be honest, I debated whether or not we should even do it this year given the current events. I decided that we would still give it try since it is one of our only two fundraisers each year, Giving Tuesday alone helps provide the tents for approximately 60% of our care packages each year.

Even with all of the craziness in our world right now, our Giving Tuesday was a great success. 117 tents, $180 in sibling gift cards, 88 books, 20 bags of S'mores Goldfish, and many monetary donations came rolling in. This year's total is estimated at approximately $5,750!!

The highlight of this year's Giving Tuesday was PEYTON SKULSKI who has been painting canvases for weeks in order to raise money for COFC. The money she raised from her canvases along with her parent's company - All Around Garage Door, Inc. - matching her earnings, and Peyton even digging into her own wallet, she was able to donate 10 tents, 10 S'mores Goldfish, and 10 - $10 sibling gift cards! We are so thankful for this amazing 6th grader's efforts to make a difference in the lives of kids with cancer.

2020 has been a hard and difficult year for so many in countless ways. I have often thought about how we would have navigated Isaac's diagnosis and treatment had it been during a pandemic. Childhood cancer is hard enough without the extra worries that come along with COVID. We are thankful that due to much support by so many that we can continue to do our small part in making such difficult days even a teeny bit easier. THANK YOU!

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